Kane County Family Law Attorney

Geneva Law Firm Assisting With Paternity, Adoption, and Other Family Law Issues
Our firm understands that going through any situation where your family is involved with the court system is a stressful time even under the best of circumstances. Our goal is to guide you through your family law case with compassion while serving as a strong legal advocate at every stage of representation. Whether you are seeking a divorce or need to establish parentage of your children, we are here to inform, guide, and support you.
Geneva Lawyers for Child Custody
Child custody (now called "the Allocation of Parental Rresponsibilities") issues in Illinois are often the most difficult part of any family law case. The goal of the court is to always put the best interests of the child first. The attorneys at Nagle & Giese, P.C. understand the importance of your relationship with your child and will strive to protect that relationship.
In cases where you were not married to your child's other parent, the first priority may be establishing parentage, which may be done by a DNA test or Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity (VAP). Establishing parentage can also be a concern in some same-sex divorce cases if you and your spouse co-parented a child during your marriage. Our firm is prepared to help you prove that you are the legal parent of your child if necessary so that you can seek parenting time, child support, and other parental rights.
Nagle & Giese, P.C. will strive to negotiate a fair agreement for our client if possible, but we are always prepared to represent you in child custody and child support litigation.
Family Law Considerations
In addition to the family law concerns that may be part of a divorce, our attorneys also handle a wide range of other matters. These include but are not limited to:
- Adoption:We can help you grow your family through related adoption, agency adoption, DCFS foster care adoption, or international adoption. Our goal is the make the process as smooth as possible for you.
- Paternity/parentage: If the parentage of your child is uncertain, our team can assist you in creating a legal parent-child relationship. By doing so, your child can gain access to child support and other important benefits.
- Surrogacy agreements: As technology advances, it is especially important to be clear about your rights and responsibilities as they pertain to surrogacy and reproductive rights in general. We will work with you to ensure your security and peace of mind.
- DCFS hearings and appeals: If you are under investigation by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, you need an attorney who will stand by your side throughout the process. We will work hard on your behalf so that your parental rights are fully protected.
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Even if your marriage does not end in divorce, you could still benefit from having a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. In Illinois, spouses can include terms related to each other's estate plans - so if your marriage lasts until one of you passes away, a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement may assist you during a difficult time.
If your marriage does end in divorce, a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can have the terms and previous agreements already set out for a smooth transition. When a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement is properly prepared and deemed valid by the court, it can prevent a great deal of conflict and stress during the divorce process.
Contact a Kane County Family Law Attorney
If you are involved in any family law proceeding, you will need an experienced lawyer protecting your interests. The Kane County family law attorneys at Nagle & Giese, P.C. have the knowledge and experience to handle all your family law concerns. Call 630-407-1200 or contact us online for a free and confidential consultation. We serve clients in Geneva, St. Charles, Batavia, and the surrounding communities.