Kane County Estate Planning Attorney

Lawyer for Probate and Powers of Attorney Serving Geneva, Aurora, and Batavia
There is substantially more to modern estate planning than writing a will. Many of the documents estate planning attorneys use, like healthcare and property powers of attorney can have an important effect during your lifetime. Whether you own complex assets like businesses, or just feel strongly about your future medical care, everyone should have at least some estate plan in place. A well-organized estate plan is one of the best gifts you can give your family. Not only does having these documents ensure that your wishes are respected, but it can also make things easier for your family in the future by sparing them the hassle of dealing with the probate process in the aftermath of your death..
If you are ready to begin the estate planning process for the first time, or are interested in updating your current documents, Nagle & Giese, P.C. can help. We offer a range of estate planning services aimed at helping you and your family find peace of mind knowing that your wishes have been expressed in a legal document.
Wills and Trusts
Thinking and talking about where you would like your property to go after you eventually pass away can be uncomfortable, but it is well worth it. At a time of high emotion, a well-organized estate plan gives your loved ones one less thing to worry about. You will also benefit from having a will or trust because these documents allow you to keep control over what will happen to your money and belongings, rather than allowing intestacy law to govern your estate distribution.
Wills and trusts are the two main ways that property and money are divided up when a person who has done their estate planning passes away. While wills and trusts are related, the terms are not interchangeable. Rather, these documents work together to make the process of distributing your assets more efficient. Unlike a will, a trust takes effect during your lifetime, and our firm can help most clients use them to bypass the probate process, which can be expensive and time-consuming.
Nagle & Giese, P.C. will take the time to help you make the will or trust that is right for you, no matter what your estate looks like. Our firm aims to create highly personalized estate plans for all of our clients and their unique wishes.
Powers of Attorney
Powers of attorney are legal documents you can use to make decisions in advance about how you will be cared for should you become incapacitated. With people living longer, the importance of these documents cannot be understated. With a power of attorney, you can designate the individual(s) who you would like to make decisions for you in the event you are ever in a state where you are unable to make them for yourself.
This power of choice is extremely important as it allows you to retain control over what you would like to happen with your medical care or property. You know who you would trust with your medical decision-making, and who you would trust to handle your finances if you could not do it anymore. You also understand, better than anyone, the kind of medical care you would want to receive if you were terminally ill or not able to speak for yourself. Nagle & Giese, P.C. can help you put those wishes into a binding legal document so your loved ones and future care team will clearly understand and follow them.
Contact a Kane County Estate Planning Attorney
Working with an experienced and knowledgeable estate planning attorney is the best way to make sure your wishes are expressed and carried out. Nagle & Giese, P.C. has the experience necessary to overcome any estate planning obstacle and create the plan you need for you and your loved ones' peace of mind. We serve clients throughout the Kane County area, including in Geneva, St. Charles, Aurora, Batavia, Sugar Grove, and Elgin. Contact our office online or call us at 630-407-1200 for a free consultation.