Kane County Child Custody Attorney

Lawyers for Parental Responsibilities and Parenting Time in Geneva and Batavia
At Nagle & Giese, P.C., we understand the importance of the relationship between a parent and a child. When there is a dispute over child custody, it can take an enormous emotional toll on the entire family. Illinois state law aims to put the best interests of the children first and foremost in any family law case. Rather than focusing on the adversarial nature of most child custody battles, which puts additional stress on parents and children alike, courts now encourage parents to work together to make a "parenting plan."
This is why the state of Illinois has recently updated the language it uses to discuss child custody. Instead of referring to "custody," courts now determine an allocation of parental rights and responsibilities. That includes both parenting time for both parents and decision-making. Key words have also changed. Courts no longer use the term "visitation" to describe one parent's time with the children so children do not feel that one of their parents is a mere visitor. "Parenting plans" cover all the important decision-making rights and responsibilities, as well as a parenting time schedule. Our team strives to help our clients arrive at a parenting plan that protects the invaluable relationship between you and your children.
Sugar Grove Law Firm for Parenting Plans
Nagle & Giese, P.C. understands that your first priority is likely to be making sure you are able to spend as much time as possible with your child. Our goal is to work with your child's other parent to establish a parenting plan that puts the child first. However, this is not always possible. In some cases, one parent is not cooperative and litigation becomes necessary. Nagle & Giese, P.C. handles these cases with sensitivity and has the experience needed to fight for your child's right to be parented by you in court.
A strong parenting plan will cover all major decisions about your child's upbringing, such as their participation in religion, healthcare, education, extracurricular activities and where they will live. The parenting plan will spell out which parent has decision-making authority over those major decisions. The parenting plan is critically important to your child's future. Nagle & Giese, P.C. is experienced in helping parents create plans that put the child first while protecting your parental rights.
Child Support Disputes
Determining who will provide financial support is an important part of the allocation of parental responsibility. Illinois courts are committed to ensuring that every child has her needs met and that both parents are financially contributing to her upbringing. In many cases, the parent who is awarded more parenting time (formerly the "primary custodial parent") needs financial support from the other parent to care for the child. Nagle & Giese, P.C. wants to help you secure the best possible financial future for your child by enforcing her right to be supported by both parents.
The cost of raising a child can be astronomical between healthcare needs, clothes, food, extracurricular activities, and educational costs. When both parents contribute, the child is likely to have a better quality of life. Parenting time should never be influenced by finances, so when there is an income disparity between parents, child support can be critical for allowing a child to spend precious time with both parents. Nagle & Giese, P.C. will help you take account of all your child-related expenses and fight for all the support your child is entitled to.
Contact a Kane County Child Custody Lawyer
If you have legal concerns about the allocation of parenting time and parental responsibilities, contact Nagle & Giese, P.C. to learn about your options. Contact our office by calling 630-407-1200 to schedule your free initial consultation. We serve families throughout Kane County, including in Geneva, St. Charles, Aurora, Batavia, Sugar Grove, and Elgin.